Monday, May 20, 2019

The Effect of Globalization in Industry

Paragraph 1
Introduction and Thesis Statement
The effect of Globalization In Industry
In this era where globalization has so much effect in every aspect in your life seen or not seen, and maybe sometimes you don’t know what you are wearing or what you are do are the effect of globalization. Today we will discuss about effect of globalization in Industry especially in Indonesia , it is something good like it produce work space and increasing the national economy or something bad like the weaker currency, and advantage and disadvantage that will  come because of this globalization

Paragraph 2
1st Topic we discuss : Multi National Company
In this topic we will talk about Multi national Company
Paragraph 3
2nd Topic : Competition between Local ad Import product
In this paragraph we will talk about how globalization has an impact to competition between Local Product and Import Product
Paragraph 4
3rd Topic : How globalization have an effect of our Work Ethic
This paragraph will talk about how the globalization can change and improve our work ethic
Paragraph 5
That is three things I want to talk about the effect of globalization in industry especially in Indonesia. Globalization have so much benefit for us but in the same time if you are not worry it can be the disadvantage for you, your family , and even your country so wisely to facing the globalization don’t let the globalization change who you are , because who you are it depend on you

Effect of Globalization in Industry especially in Indonesia

In this era where globalization has so much effect in every aspect in your life seen or not seen, and maybe sometimes you don’t know what you are wearing or what you are do are the effect of globalization. Today we will discuss about effect of globalization in Industry especially in Indonesia , it is something good or something bad, and advantage and disadvantage that will  come because of this globalization

Image result for multi national company in indonesia

First we will discuss about Multi National Company
What is Multi national company , Multinational Company is a company that have a business operates in many different countries at the same time. Because effect of globalization now a Company can easily advertised their product all over the world easily using Social Media, and because of that the demand from the product itself increase. As the result the Company should make more product to supply the high demand.  But that can’t be easily happen , in some country the government have the regulation that regulate about labor for their people. Because of this some Company that have high demand will make other factory in other country that have lower price of labor, but sometimes why the Company make a factory in some country because in that country have the regulation that control about their import product. Like in Indonesia they have a regulation for Electronic stuff the stuff itself must contain 30% of the local product, because of that some electronic Company make their factory in Indonesia.

Image result for logo piero     Image result for logo adidas

Second we will talk about competition between Local Product and Import Product
Another effect of globalization that I want to share is the competition between Local Product and import product. In this era of globalization where the world is become small , there is a lot of Import product that come from a lot of country that goes in to Indonesia market. This make the competition between Local Product and and Import Product become really hot, because the Import product is usually coming from Big Company that have lot of resources and they can easily advertise their prouct in the media , but it’s different with Local Product usually Local Product is come from Small company or start up that they don’t have big resource and not so much advertise about Local Product. In some case this can be good because the customer have a lot of option which product they want to buy , but it back to the problem of Local Product itself because they can’t advertise their product in the Media so the people only known about the Import product so the customer will prefer the famous one they buy. This one can kill the Local Product itself. And from the article that I read the more some country importing product the more weak their currency. So if you love your country you can have participate by using Local Product because there is a lot of Local product have same quality as the imported product

Image result for people handshake

Third we will talk about  globalization in our Work Ethic
Because of the globalization we can know people from other country , we can see what they are doing , and we can talk to them like there is no distance between us and them. Because of that sometime we can get new information from them. Now In some Multi National Company usually they set the regulation of the worker that work in their company almost the like in country they come from, like when you should come , and what time is resting time. In that company they want their worker to be discipline , they want their worker to come on time , do the job they should do and not lazy because that was a bad attitude. And in our life also we also can do that thing like come on time if you have an appointment it will be respected by your friends and also people from other country

That is three things I want to talk about the effect of globalization in industry especially in Indonesia. Globalization have so much benefit for us but in the same time if you are not worry it can be the disadvantage for you, your family , and even your country so wisely to facing the globalization don’t let the globalization change who you are , because who you are it depend on you

Tuesday, May 14, 2019





Paragraph 1


In this paragraph I will explain about globalization in general, like how it spread and when it happen

Paragraph 2

1st Topic Effect of globalization in Culture and Habit

In this paragraph I will explain how globalization have the effect to our habit and culture and what is the effect. As the support I will explain also the advantage and disadvantage of this

Paragraph 3

2nd Topic is Effect of Globalization in Industry

In this paragraph I will explain how globalization has change the Industry especially in Indonesia and also the advantage and disadvantage

Paragraph 4

3rd Topic is about How Globalization improve the Technology and knowledge

In this paragraph I will explain effect of globalization in Technology and Knowledge

Paragraph 5


In this paragraph I will summarize all of the paragraph and put my conclusion on it


Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The place I want to visit when I’m free

There are several beautiful place around the world that i recommend you to check it out , sometimes this place is hidden in the place that never been touched by human. That place is the proof God is the best artist when it comes to art, There is 3 place that i really want to visit

First place is Anambas Island, Anambas island is the island located in Riau Islands , this place has been covered in CNN. This place have beautiful beach with white sand and blue sea water that make this island is the perfect place when you want to spend your time in the beach but not outside of Indonesia .  This place is very popular in other country , in 2012 Anambas island crowned as the best tropical island in Asia by CNN. But unfortunately this island is more known by people from other country than us

Image result for anambas island

Second place is Tuvalu island, Tuvalu island is the island that called the Paradise of the World, this place is rarely known by the tourist this place will give you beautiful scenery of white beach of the Blue sea waterLocated between Hawaii and Australia, Tuvalu provides the perfect paradigm change for adventure lovers. This island is one of the must visited place if you are want to feel the beautiful beach but without a lot of crowds, and it also has a great underwater view if you like to go diving

Image result for tuvalu island

Last place is Hobbiton , If you bored with beach or mountain here it is the place where known as the village of hobbit from The Lord of the Rings movie. This place is called Hobbiton , Hobbiton is located in New Zealand, this place were very popular because it gives you different feeling when you visit it because that village is rounded by beautiful hill that will give you different feeling from other village. In that place we can go inside the house of Hobbit and walk around the village and seeing the beautiful lake, you can also buy some Lord of the Rings merchandise in there

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These are several place that I really wanted to visit because it have the beautiful scenery , different environment that I never feel before, and also it have their own character of every place.