Monday, July 8, 2019

Glass Production and Recycling Process


Paragraph 1
Explaining the title
Paragraph 2
Tell the process of Glass Production and Glass Recycling
Paragraph 3
Glass Production
This paragraph will explain about 4 step of Glass Production
Paragraph 4
Glass Recycling
This paragraph will explain about 5 step of Glass Recycling Process

The diagram above explain the step how the glass are produced and recycled

Overall, the process consist of 4 stages of Glass Production and 5 stages for Glass Recycling, where the process of Glass Production begin with mixing the materials Glass Recycling process begine with the collection of used glass and end up getting new products.

First of all, Sand, Soda Ash, Limestone, and other chemicals are mixed. After that, the raw materials are melted in a glass furnace, where when they are heated with an approximate temperature of 1500 °. Then the melted material are shaped in to the molten glass bowling. Next, they are stored in the glass containers.

In the glass recycling process, the used glass are collected first. Next, the glass that has been collected sorted depending on their colour. After that, the sorted glass are washed to remove their impurities. Then, the washed materials are crushed and melted. Finally, the crushed and molten glass are turned in to a new product after they are moulded

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