Monday, July 8, 2019

Plastic in the Ocean


-          Explanation of of the problem
-          Habbit of using plastic
-          Thesis statement : The Oceans are in dangerous condition now , because a lot of waste plastic being washed away to the oceans and it creates some problem.
-          Number of trash in the ocean are increasing
-          Sea Creatures are in danger
-          Try to reduce using plastic stuff
-          Researching how to replace the plastic with bio degradable material that easy to parse
Plastic in the ocean are become bigger problem in this new era , Because a lot of thing we use is made using plastic as it material. And as we know plastic is hard to parse It need a long time to parse. And we throw the plastic trash to the ocean without thinking about what happen with Sea Creature. They are in dangerous state now. The solution for this is try to reduce using plastic stuff, because we must protect our oceans and prevent it for not become Bigger problem

Plastic in the Ocean

Plastic is the material that can easily made and easy to shaped. But do you know how much it take a time for plastic to parse ? Based on the research need 50 till 100 years for plastic for completely parse, and it in the ground buw how if it in the Oceans ?Based on the data there is 8 ton per year of plastic trash that flow to the Oceans, so if one plastic need 50 years to parse , how about if we stack it up for 50 years ?

As it say above on plastic needs 50 years till 100 years to completely parse , and for a year there is 8 ton of plastic trash that flow to the oceans. It will stack up for over and over year. And if we don’t do something about this our oceans will not filled with water anymore but with plastic trash. And with that much of plastic trash what happen with the Sea creature in the Ocean ? There is a news told that a Whale died because he eat the plastic trash for large quantities. This plastic problem become more dangerous for over year

And the solution you can do for this problem is from now try to reduce using plastic stuff. If you want to go shopping bring a bag with you , I know it’s not easy because plastic is light and cheap. And next if you buy some food bring your own plate or bowl. Because the packaging of the food that you buy is usually made from plastic. And for the government try to researching bio degradable material that easy to parse, and try to campaign it to the people

Plastic in the ocean are become bigger problem in this new era , Because a lot of thing we use is made using plastic as it material. And as we know plastic is hard to parse It need a long time to parse. And we throw the plastic trash to the ocean without thinking about what happen with Sea Creature. They are in dangerous state now. The solution for this is try to reduce using plastic stuff, I know it’s hard but try it because we must protect our oceans for our descendanct and prevent it for not become Bigger problem

Glass Production and Recycling Process


Paragraph 1
Explaining the title
Paragraph 2
Tell the process of Glass Production and Glass Recycling
Paragraph 3
Glass Production
This paragraph will explain about 4 step of Glass Production
Paragraph 4
Glass Recycling
This paragraph will explain about 5 step of Glass Recycling Process

The diagram above explain the step how the glass are produced and recycled

Overall, the process consist of 4 stages of Glass Production and 5 stages for Glass Recycling, where the process of Glass Production begin with mixing the materials Glass Recycling process begine with the collection of used glass and end up getting new products.

First of all, Sand, Soda Ash, Limestone, and other chemicals are mixed. After that, the raw materials are melted in a glass furnace, where when they are heated with an approximate temperature of 1500 °. Then the melted material are shaped in to the molten glass bowling. Next, they are stored in the glass containers.

In the glass recycling process, the used glass are collected first. Next, the glass that has been collected sorted depending on their colour. After that, the sorted glass are washed to remove their impurities. Then, the washed materials are crushed and melted. Finally, the crushed and molten glass are turned in to a new product after they are moulded

Monday, July 1, 2019


1st Paragraph
Introduction and Thesis statement
As we know Internet has become human needs, now every almost everything is available at internet. But do you know beside internet can give you many benefit but it can also become a loss. Before we talk about advantages and disadvantges of Internet I will little bit explain about internet. Internet is found at 1969 by US military as their project called ARPANET.  Now in this essay I will tell about the Advantages of Internet and it’s disadventages.

2nd Paragraph
-          Make easier and possible to talk with people that far away
-          Easy to spread the information
-          Every knowledge is available at Internet
3rd Paragraph

-          Cyber crime
-          Porn Website
-          Addicted to Internet
4th Paragraph
And that is the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. Internet is really useful but if you stick to it for too long it will become a loss for you because something that excessive is not good. Parent also have the job to monitoring their children for not playing internet for too long because that is not good for their health and their future.

The Advantages and Disadvantage of Internet

As we know Internet has become human needs, now every almost everything is available at internet. But do you know beside internet can give you many benefit but it can also become a loss. Before we talk about advantages and disadvantges of Internet I will little bit explain about internet. Internet is found at 1969 by US military as their project called ARPANET.  Now in this essay I will tell about the Advantages of Internet and it’s disadventages.

First Internet can make your work easier, a long years ago if you want to talk or apprise about your condition to the people who far from your place, you must to write a letter and send it to the Post Office. But now the condition has different since the Internet become faster and easier to use now you can talk and also now you can Face call with someone who far from your place using many application. Second Advantages easy to find information. With the Internet now we can know what happen in other place , no matter how far you are now you can easily find the news about other country condition on the Internet. And third advantages is now all knowledge that you want know is available in Internet , like you want to learn math you can find all of the formula and the solution in Internet , now learn can become easier because of internet.

Beside of the many benefit that can Internet give it can also giving the loss. First advantages is Cyber crime, cyber crime is a crime that the criminals doing the crime by using Internet. For example they hack some website company to get profit like money and information. Second disadvantages is porn, now because of the Internet can be used by almost all of the people from young and old, porn website is now can be accessed easily. Third disadvantages is now people become addicted to the internet especially to game, game is fun to do but if you are playing it for too long that is not good for your health because it can damage your eye , not good for you environment because you never go out from home and you don’t have any friend because you only want to playing game in your room.

And that is the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. Internet is really useful but if you stick to it for too long it will become a loss for you because something that excessive is not good. Parent also have the job to monitoring their children for not playing internet for too long because that is not good for their health and their future.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Should Government give Free healthcare or Should Citizen pay for private insurance

There is 264 million people in Indonesia , it spread all over the Indonesia from Sabang till Marauke . Free healthcare is one of the way to solve people problem from getting disease, plague, and virus. But with 264  million people in Indonesia I don’t think we have enough resources to do that , and in this essay I will talk about why government can’t Fund free health and it better to people having private insurance.

For the first paragraph we will talk in Economic Side , is it possible for Government to do free healthcare?. Based on the data , in 2018 Indonesia have Rp. 10.843 trillion based on BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik) and the average price for the health insurance is Rp.100.000/people/ month so the government should pay a lot of money and it only for a month, and it only for healthcare . With that money we can allocate that to other like Build better infrastructure.

For the second paragraph I will talk about the procedure if Government giving free health insurance. As we know Indonesia have a health insurance called BPJS that can give free treatment for people. But the procedure for claim that insurance is really complicated. First you should go to the Puskesmas, and if the Puskesmas can’t treat the the illness you must request for referral letter to the hospital , and because a lot of people using BPJS you must wait until your turn. And with that complicated procedure for claiming BPJS I will suggest people to use private Insurance

For the third paragraph I will tell about How a health insurance can used for corruption. Because a lot of people that want to use free health insurance which is BPJS  , so the government should spend a lot of money to giving health insurance , and with that a lot of money , it can giving opportunity for corruption. And it happen in 2018 Head of Health Department arrested because of Corruption  BPJS Funds for Puskesmas that harm the country for billion rupiah , imagine with that money we can improve our country from Infrastructure or Education.

For the fourth paragraph I will give my counter argument, in the Indonesian Constitution allign 4 it said People should Treat and Protect their people , it means government should protect and treat their people and it also include their health. So Free Healthcare is one of the way government can do for treating their people.

Indonesia is a rich country that have a lot of resources , with that 264 million of people it government duty to give healthcare to their people , because people has pay the taxes and government duty is to manage their taxes for their people. Of course government have a lot of thing to do , and this country need to build an infrastructure , but it can’t be a reason for not giving the healthcare to the people. Of course I will more prefer people to have their own Private Insurance for the one who can paid , but government can give the Healthcare for the people who live in poverty by using the data that already collected by local government for giving the healthcare for the people who need it most.


There is 264 million people in Indonesia , it spread all over the Indonesia from Sabang till Marauke . Free healthcare is one of the way to solve people problem from getting disease, plague, and virus. But with 264  million people in Indonesia I don’t think we have enough resources to do that , and in this essay I will talk about why government can’t Fund free health and it better to people having private insurance.

Argument 1
-          Economy side if government giving health insurance
Argument 2
-          The procedure for claim health insurance
Argument 3
-          Opportunities for corruption
Counter Argument
-          Based on the Indonesia Constitution, country should protect and care their people
-          Summary of all the argument and Sollution

Monday, June 10, 2019

The Similarity and Differences when we are learning Math and English

People learn for the rest of their life , from they were born until they died for example learn how to walk , learn how to talk and many else. And Learning is process from don't know to know , there is no limit for Learning. From many thing we can learn in this world today we will gonna discuss about 2 common course we all learn from our elementary school. Even we have graduate from school there is something we can learn from this courses. So in this topic we will talk about learning Math and learning English, what is the similarities and the differences let's discuss

For the similarity in my opinion these 2 courses have similarities both of them need an Formula. Both of them need formula for doing it correctly , for example formula in english is called grammar. There is much grammar in English to classify what kind of word is this , and what it is used for. As we know in Math there is much formula , this formula also used as the rules of the calculation to make the calculation correct. If both of Math and English using wrong formula there will have different meaning or result from it should be.

For the Differencess i think the differences between Math and English is how the result come , for example like in Math 1 + 1 will always be 2 , but in English if we read some essay or journal the meaning of the essay or journal can be different depend on the knowledge of the reader. So as the result in math the result will always the same as long they follow the rules and the formula , but in learning English even you already using the correct grammar it can give multiple meaning to the reader depend on the reader which side they are looking at. 

I think that is my opinion for the similarity and differences between Learning Math and English , both of them have different difficulties but also both of them really important to learn because you can't interact with people if you don't know the language , and also Math is important because for the rest of your life you will always calculating something. So that's it for my paragraph and thankyou for coming to my blog 

Monday, May 20, 2019

The Effect of Globalization in Industry

Paragraph 1
Introduction and Thesis Statement
The effect of Globalization In Industry
In this era where globalization has so much effect in every aspect in your life seen or not seen, and maybe sometimes you don’t know what you are wearing or what you are do are the effect of globalization. Today we will discuss about effect of globalization in Industry especially in Indonesia , it is something good like it produce work space and increasing the national economy or something bad like the weaker currency, and advantage and disadvantage that will  come because of this globalization

Paragraph 2
1st Topic we discuss : Multi National Company
In this topic we will talk about Multi national Company
Paragraph 3
2nd Topic : Competition between Local ad Import product
In this paragraph we will talk about how globalization has an impact to competition between Local Product and Import Product
Paragraph 4
3rd Topic : How globalization have an effect of our Work Ethic
This paragraph will talk about how the globalization can change and improve our work ethic
Paragraph 5
That is three things I want to talk about the effect of globalization in industry especially in Indonesia. Globalization have so much benefit for us but in the same time if you are not worry it can be the disadvantage for you, your family , and even your country so wisely to facing the globalization don’t let the globalization change who you are , because who you are it depend on you

Effect of Globalization in Industry especially in Indonesia

In this era where globalization has so much effect in every aspect in your life seen or not seen, and maybe sometimes you don’t know what you are wearing or what you are do are the effect of globalization. Today we will discuss about effect of globalization in Industry especially in Indonesia , it is something good or something bad, and advantage and disadvantage that will  come because of this globalization

Image result for multi national company in indonesia

First we will discuss about Multi National Company
What is Multi national company , Multinational Company is a company that have a business operates in many different countries at the same time. Because effect of globalization now a Company can easily advertised their product all over the world easily using Social Media, and because of that the demand from the product itself increase. As the result the Company should make more product to supply the high demand.  But that can’t be easily happen , in some country the government have the regulation that regulate about labor for their people. Because of this some Company that have high demand will make other factory in other country that have lower price of labor, but sometimes why the Company make a factory in some country because in that country have the regulation that control about their import product. Like in Indonesia they have a regulation for Electronic stuff the stuff itself must contain 30% of the local product, because of that some electronic Company make their factory in Indonesia.

Image result for logo piero     Image result for logo adidas

Second we will talk about competition between Local Product and Import Product
Another effect of globalization that I want to share is the competition between Local Product and import product. In this era of globalization where the world is become small , there is a lot of Import product that come from a lot of country that goes in to Indonesia market. This make the competition between Local Product and and Import Product become really hot, because the Import product is usually coming from Big Company that have lot of resources and they can easily advertise their prouct in the media , but it’s different with Local Product usually Local Product is come from Small company or start up that they don’t have big resource and not so much advertise about Local Product. In some case this can be good because the customer have a lot of option which product they want to buy , but it back to the problem of Local Product itself because they can’t advertise their product in the Media so the people only known about the Import product so the customer will prefer the famous one they buy. This one can kill the Local Product itself. And from the article that I read the more some country importing product the more weak their currency. So if you love your country you can have participate by using Local Product because there is a lot of Local product have same quality as the imported product

Image result for people handshake

Third we will talk about  globalization in our Work Ethic
Because of the globalization we can know people from other country , we can see what they are doing , and we can talk to them like there is no distance between us and them. Because of that sometime we can get new information from them. Now In some Multi National Company usually they set the regulation of the worker that work in their company almost the like in country they come from, like when you should come , and what time is resting time. In that company they want their worker to be discipline , they want their worker to come on time , do the job they should do and not lazy because that was a bad attitude. And in our life also we also can do that thing like come on time if you have an appointment it will be respected by your friends and also people from other country

That is three things I want to talk about the effect of globalization in industry especially in Indonesia. Globalization have so much benefit for us but in the same time if you are not worry it can be the disadvantage for you, your family , and even your country so wisely to facing the globalization don’t let the globalization change who you are , because who you are it depend on you

Tuesday, May 14, 2019





Paragraph 1


In this paragraph I will explain about globalization in general, like how it spread and when it happen

Paragraph 2

1st Topic Effect of globalization in Culture and Habit

In this paragraph I will explain how globalization have the effect to our habit and culture and what is the effect. As the support I will explain also the advantage and disadvantage of this

Paragraph 3

2nd Topic is Effect of Globalization in Industry

In this paragraph I will explain how globalization has change the Industry especially in Indonesia and also the advantage and disadvantage

Paragraph 4

3rd Topic is about How Globalization improve the Technology and knowledge

In this paragraph I will explain effect of globalization in Technology and Knowledge

Paragraph 5


In this paragraph I will summarize all of the paragraph and put my conclusion on it